Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Can Has The Eggplantz? & The Broccolizzz?

This is what happens when you stop living your whole life at the bar.
(not that there's anything wrong with that)
Apparently you become a crazy cat lady obsessed with drawing your gorgeous vegetables acquired at the Noho farmer's market that morning.
This equals: more DnDLOLCATZ.

dustyrose would not get off the table...
while I was creating this drawing of my vegetables from "farmer's marketing" (yes, I just invented a verb) this morning:
baby bok choi, various hot peppers, patty pan squash, broccoli, tiny japanese eggplants, & aged seven months Caprino goat cheese from Hillman Farm.
(I'm eating many of these delicious things right now),
What I did last night after work instead of Cirque du Coq.
But at least the late night meals thing persists.
Where I was drawing rather than out with the rest of DnD.
Sounds like it was fun, but hey, my midnight dinner was pretty delicious, & Dusty Rose is pretty adorable.

& I felt this should be included,
since this is a
"hey what we can all agree on if nothing else at the very least is that we all love kittens"
post. what wade folded my rent rent check into this month.
I WISHES I hazd A Cheeszburger right now. Or ten moressss kittenzzzzz.
(DnD truth #36789: when things are sad, we get silly & laugh anyway.

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